Handling of incoming MQTT messages improved.
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing

This commit is contained in:
Fabian Schlenz 2019-06-11 19:48:42 +02:00
parent 83254f2eaa
commit 2072877159
3 changed files with 56 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
#define MQTT_USER "..."
#define MQTT_PASS "..."
#define MQTT_TOPIC "pitrix/" // MQTT-Topic to listen to. Must not start with a slash, but must end with one."
#define MQTT_TOPIC_LOG "pitrix/log"
#define MQTT_TOPIC_WEATHER "accuweather/pitrix/" // MQTT topic to listen for weather data. Must not start with a slash, but must end with one.

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@ -22,10 +22,14 @@ void mqtt_publish(const char* topic, int number);
void mqtt_log(const char* message);
void mqtt_log(int number);
void mqtt_log(long unsigned int number);
void mqtt_log(long int number);
void mqtt_log(String str);
void mqtt_log_ln(const char* message);
void mqtt_log_ln(int number);
void mqtt_log_ln(long unsigned int number);
void mqtt_log_ln(long int number);
void mqtt_log_ln(String str);
void mqtt_log_send(const char* message);

View File

@ -25,51 +25,70 @@ long mqtt_last_reconnect_attempt = 0;
uint8_t weather_icon_ids[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
int8_t weather_temperatures[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
void mqtt_callback(char* complete_topic, byte* pl, unsigned int length) {
void mqtt_callback(char* original_topic, byte* pl, unsigned int length) {
pl[length] = '\0';
char* payload = (char*)pl;
LOG("MQTT * Received data for topic "); LOGln(complete_topic);
if (strncmp(complete_topic, MQTT_TOPIC_WEATHER, strlen(MQTT_TOPIC_WEATHER))==0) {
String payload((char*)pl);
String topic (original_topic);
if (topic.compareTo(MQTT_TOPIC "log")==0) return;
LOG("MQTT * Received data for topic "); LOG(topic); LOG(" with payload "); LOGln(payload);
if (topic.startsWith(MQTT_TOPIC_WEATHER)) {
// Weather stuff
complete_topic += strlen(MQTT_TOPIC_WEATHER);
if (strncmp(complete_topic, "icons/", 6)==0) {
complete_topic += 6; // strlen("icons/")=6
uint8_t id = complete_topic[0] - '0'; // ID is 1 digit. Substract '0' from it to get it as number.
topic.remove(0, strlen(MQTT_TOPIC_WEATHER));
LOG("MQTT * Weather stuff. Remaining topic: "); LOGln(topic.c_str());
if (topic.startsWith("icons/")) {
topic.remove(0, 6);
uint8_t id = topic.toInt();
if (id>=6) return;
weather_icon_ids[id] = atol(payload);
} else if (strncmp(complete_topic, "temperatures/", 13)==0) {
complete_topic += 13; // strlen("temperatures/")=13
uint8_t id = complete_topic[0] - '0'; // ID is 1 digit. Substract '0' from it to get it as number.
uint8_t val = payload.toInt();
if (val==0) return;
weather_icon_ids[id] = val;
LOG("Set weather_icon_ids["); LOG(id); LOG("] to value "); LOGln(val);
} else if (topic.startsWith("temperatures/")) {
topic.remove(0, 13);
uint8_t id = topic.toInt();
if (id>=6) return;
weather_temperatures[id] = atol(payload);
uint8_t val = payload.toInt();
if (val==0) return;
weather_temperatures[id] = val;
LOG("Set weather_temperatures["); LOG(id); LOG("] to value "); LOGln(val);
char* topic = complete_topic + strlen(MQTT_TOPIC); // Strip MQTT_TOPIC from the beginning
topic.remove(0, strlen(MQTT_TOPIC)); // Strip MQTT_TOPIC from the beginning
// Here, payload is a char* (but has to be casted).
if(strcmp(topic, "mode")==0) {
LOG("MQTT * Remaining topic is: "); LOGln(topic.c_str());
if (topic.compareTo("free_heap")==0 || topic.compareTo("uptime")==0 || topic.compareTo("status")==0) {
// Ignore our own messages.
if(topic.compareTo("mode")==0) {
LOGln("MQTT * Changing mode...");
for (int i=0; i<effects->size(); i++) {
EffectEntry e = effects->get(i);
if (strcmp(e.name, payload)==0) {
if (payload.compareTo(e.name)==0) {
//Serial.printf("Effect found in mqtt_callback: %p\n", (void *)&e->effect);
current_effect = e.effect;
} else if (strcmp(topic, "reboot")==0) {
} else if (topic.compareTo("reboot")==0) {
LOGln("MQTT * Rebooting");
long value = payload.toInt();
LOG("MQTT * payload after converting to a number: "); LOGln(value);
long value = atol(payload);
if (strcmp(topic, "brightness")==0 && value > 0 && value <= 255) {
if (topic.compareTo("brightness")==0) {
if (value > 0 && value <= 255) {
LOGln("MQTT * Changing brightness...");
} else {
LOG("MQTT * Ignoring brightness change: Value "); LOG(value); LOGln(" is out of bounds (0<x<=255).");
@ -132,17 +151,19 @@ void mqtt_log(int number) {
void mqtt_log(long unsigned int number) {
void mqtt_log(long unsigned int number) { mqtt_log(String(number).c_str()); }
void mqtt_log(long int number) { mqtt_log(String(number).c_str()); }
void mqtt_log(String str) { mqtt_log(str.c_str()); }
void mqtt_log_ln(int number) {
void mqtt_log_ln(long unsigned int number) {
void mqtt_log_ln(long unsigned int number) { mqtt_log_ln(String(number).c_str()); }
void mqtt_log_ln(long int number) { mqtt_log_ln(String(number).c_str()); }
void mqtt_log_ln(String str) { mqtt_log_ln(str.c_str()); }
void mqtt_log_ln(const char* message) {
if (mqtt_log_str.length()==0) {
@ -157,7 +178,7 @@ void mqtt_log_ln(const char* message) {
void mqtt_log_send(const char* message) {
if (mqtt_client.connected()) {
mqtt_client.publish(MQTT_TOPIC_LOG, message);
mqtt_client.publish(MQTT_TOPIC "log", message);