#include "my_mqtt.h" #include "config.h" #ifndef MQTT_ENABLE #pragma message "MQTT_ENABLE is false. Skipping MQTT." #else #include "my_wifi.h" #include #include "Effect.h" #include "effects.h" #include "functions.h" #include "tests.h" WiFiClient wifi; PubSubClient mqtt_client(wifi); long mqtt_last_reconnect_attempt = 0; uint8_t weather_icon_ids[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; int8_t weather_temperatures[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; void mqtt_callback(char* original_topic, byte* pl, unsigned int length) { pl[length] = '\0'; String payload((char*)pl); String topic (original_topic); if (topic.equals(MQTT_TOPIC "log") || topic.equals(MQTT_TOPIC "status") || topic.equals(MQTT_TOPIC "status_details") || topic.startsWith(MQTT_TOPIC "metrics")) { // Return our own messages return; } LOGln("MQTT * In: %s = %s", topic.c_str(), payload.c_str()); if (topic.startsWith(MQTT_TOPIC_WEATHER)) { // Weather stuff topic.remove(0, strlen(MQTT_TOPIC_WEATHER)); DBG("MQTT * Weather stuff."); if (topic.startsWith("icons/")) { topic.remove(0, 6); uint8_t id = topic.toInt(); if (id>=6) return; uint8_t val = payload.toInt(); if (val==0) return; weather_icon_ids[id] = val; DBG("Set weather_icon_ids[%d] to value %d", id, val); } else if (topic.startsWith("temperatures/")) { topic.remove(0, 13); uint8_t id = topic.toInt(); if (id>=6) return; uint8_t val = payload.toInt(); if (val==0) return; weather_temperatures[id] = val; DBG("Set weather_temperatures[%d] to value %d", id, val); } return; } else if (topic.equals(MQTT_TOPIC_TIMER)) { timer = payload.toInt(); LOGln("Set timer to %lu.", timer); return; } topic.remove(0, strlen(MQTT_TOPIC)); // Strip MQTT_TOPIC from the beginning if(topic.compareTo("mode")==0) { LOGln("MQTT * Changing mode..."); bool result = change_current_effect(payload); if (result) { LOGln("MQTT * Effect changed."); } else { LOGln("MQTT * Could not change effect."); } return; } else if (topic.compareTo("reboot")==0) { LOGln("MQTT * Rebooting"); ESP.restart(); return; // Will never be reached, but anyway... } else if (topic.compareTo("run_tests")==0) { tests::run(); return; } long value = payload.toInt(); LOGln("MQTT * Payload as number: %d", value); if (topic.startsWith("settings.")) { topic.remove(0, 9); change_setting(topic.c_str(), value); return; } else if (topic.compareTo("brightness")==0) { if (value > 0 && value <= 255) { LOGln("MQTT * Changing brightness..."); FastLED.setBrightness(value); } else { LOGln("MQTT * Ignoring brightness change: Value %d is out of bounds (0 5000) { mqtt_last_reconnect_attempt = now; if (mqtt_connect()) { mqtt_last_reconnect_attempt = 0; } } } else { mqtt_client.loop(); } } String mqtt_log_str = String(); void mqtt_publish(const char* topic, int number, bool retain) { char b[32]; sprintf(b, "%d", number); mqtt_publish(topic, b, retain); } void mqtt_publish(const char* topic, const char* message, bool retain) { char t[127]; sprintf(t, MQTT_TOPIC "%s", topic); mqtt_client.publish(t, message, retain); } void mqtt_log(const char* message) { mqtt_log_str.concat(message); } void mqtt_log(int number) { mqtt_log(String(number).c_str()); } void mqtt_log(long unsigned int number) { mqtt_log(String(number).c_str()); } void mqtt_log(long int number) { mqtt_log(String(number).c_str()); } void mqtt_log(size_t number) { mqtt_log(String(number).c_str()); } void mqtt_log(String str) { mqtt_log(str.c_str()); } void mqtt_log_ln(int number) { mqtt_log_ln(String(number).c_str()); } void mqtt_log_ln(long unsigned int number) { mqtt_log_ln(String(number).c_str()); } void mqtt_log_ln(long int number) { mqtt_log_ln(String(number).c_str()); } void mqtt_log_ln(size_t number) { mqtt_log_ln(String(number).c_str()); } void mqtt_log_ln(String str) { mqtt_log_ln(str.c_str()); } void mqtt_log_ln(const char* message) { if (mqtt_log_str.length()==0) { mqtt_log_send(message); return; } else { mqtt_log_str.concat(message); mqtt_log_send(mqtt_log_str.c_str()); mqtt_log_str = String(); } } void mqtt_log_send(const char* message) { if (mqtt_client.connected()) { mqtt_client.publish(MQTT_TOPIC "log", message); } } #endif // MQTT_ENABLE