#pragma once #include #define FASTLED_INTERNAL #include //#define DEBUG // Uncomment this to enable Debug messages via Serial and, if enabled, MQTT. //#define CONFIG_USABLE // Uncomment this by removing the // at the beginning! #define WIFI_SSID "..." // SSID of the wifi to connect to #define WIFI_PASS "..." // Password of the wifi #define LED_WIDTH 16 // Number of LEDs in horizontal direction #define LED_HEIGHT 16 // Number of LEDs in vertical direction #define LED_COUNT 256 // Total number of LEDs. WIDTH*HEIGHT. #define LED_TYPE WS2812B // Type of LEDs #define DATA_PIN 14 // PIN the LEDs are connected to on the microcontroller #define COLOR_ORDER GRB // Order of the colors of the LEDs. If you get unexpected colors, you should change this. #define BRIGHTNESS 20 // Default brightness of the LEDs. 1 (lowest)-255 (brightest) #define TEMPORAL_DITHERING 0 // Use temporal dithering. Can lead to flickering. #define LED_MAX_MILLIAMPS 0 // If your power supply is too small, you can set this to a maximum mA value. FastLED should then honor this. Setting it to 0 disables this limit. #define NTP_SERVER "pool.ntp.org" // NTP server to use to fetch the current time #define NTP_INTERVAL 300000 // Interval in ms to update the time from the NTP server. 300000 ms = 5 minutes #define NTP_OFFSET 7200 // Offset of your local time from UTC in seconds. Germany, daylight savings time = 2 hours = 7200 seconds #define MQTT_ENABLE // Use MQTT. Add slashes to the start of the line to disable MQTT completely. #define MQTT_SERVER "..." // Data for connecting to the MQTT server #define MQTT_PORT 1883 #define MQTT_USER "..." #define MQTT_PASS "..." #define MQTT_TOPIC "pitrix/" // MQTT topic to listen to. Must not start with a slash, but must end with one. #define MQTT_REPORT_METRICS // Whether to report metrics via MQTT. Disable if unwanted. #define MQTT_TOPIC_WEATHER "accuweather/pitrix/" // MQTT topic to listen for weather data. Must not start with a slash, but must end with one. #define HOSTNAME "pitrix-%08X" // Hostname of the ESP to use for OTA and MQTT client id. %08X will be replaced by the chip id. #define OTA_STARTUP_DELAY 10 // How many seconds to wait at startup. This is useful to prevent being unable to flash OTA by a bug in the code. Set to 0 to disable. #define FPS 50 #define SHOW_TEXT_DELAY 100 #define MONITOR_LOOP_TIMES false #define MONITOR_LOOP_TIME_THRESHOLD 500 #define MONITOR_LOOP_TIME_COUNT_MAX 10 #define EFFECT_CYCLE_TIME 300 // Time in seconds between cycling effects. #define EFFECT_CYCLE_RANDOM false #define EFFECT_MATRIX_LENGTH_MIN 4 #define EFFECT_MATRIX_LENGTH_MAX 20 #define EFFECT_MATRIX_SPEED_MIN 50 #define EFFECT_MATRIX_SPEED_MAX 135 #define EFFECT_SINGLE_DYNAMIC_LOOP_TIME 40 #define EFFECT_MULTI_DYNAMIC_LOOP_TIME 1400 #define EFFECT_CONFETTI_PIXELS_PER_LOOP 2 #define EFFECT_SNAKE_DIRECTION_CHANGE 10 #define EFFECT_SNAKE_SLOWDOWN 2 #define EFFECT_FIRE_COOLDOWN 192 #define EFFECT_FIRE_SPARK_CHANCE 5 #define EFFECT_FIREWORK_SHOT_CHANCE 200 #define EFFECT_FIREWORK_BLUR 200 #define EFFECT_FIREWORK_FADEOUT_SPEED 5 // Stop editing here #ifdef DEBUG #ifdef MQTT_ENABLE #include "my_mqtt.h" #define LOG(x) mqtt_log(x); Serial.print(x); #define LOGln(x) mqtt_log_ln(x); Serial.println(x); #else #define LOG(x) Serial.print(x); #define LOGln(x) Serial.println(x); #endif #else #define LOG(x) do {} while(0); #define LOGln(x) do {} while(0); #endif #if !defined( ESP8266 ) && !defined( ESP32 ) #error "Neither ESP8266 nor ESP32 are set. Maybe you are compiling this for another platform...?" #endif #ifndef CONFIG_USABLE #error "CONFIG_USABLE isn't set!" #endif