//#define DEBUG #define WIFI_SSID "....." #define WIFI_PASS "....." #define LED_WIDTH 16 #define LED_HEIGHT 16 #define LED_COUNT 256 #define LED_TYPE WS2812B #define DATA_PIN 14 #define COLOR_ORDER GRB uint8_t config_brightness = 20; // Can be overwritten via MQTT_TOPIC_BRIGHTNESS #define NTP_SERVER "pool.ntp.org" #define NTP_INTERVAL 300000 #define NTP_OFFSET 7200 #define MQTT_ENABLE #define MQTT_SERVER "....." #define MQTT_PORT 1883 #define MQTT_USER "pitrix" #define MQTT_PASS "....." #define MQTT_TOPIC "pitrix/" // MQTT-Topic to listen to. Must not start with a slash, but must end with one." #define HOSTNAME "pitrix-%08X" #define OTA_STARTUP_DELAY 5 // How many seconds to wait at startup. Set to 0 to disable. #define FPS 50 #define SHOW_TEXT_DELAY 100 // Effect config uint16_t config_effect_cycle_time = 300; // Time in seconds between cycling effects. uint16_t config_effect_matrix_length_min = 4; uint16_t config_effect_matrix_length_max = 20; uint16_t config_effect_matrix_speed_min = 50; uint16_t config_effect_matrix_speed_max = 135; uint16_t config_effect_single_dynamic_loop_time = 200; uint16_t config_effect_multi_dynamic_loop_time = 1400;