Fabian Schlenz 0e82f94846 Lots of changes:
* More animations with generalized code to display them.
  * The hostname will now include a unique id of the ESP.
  * Effect can now be restricted to a smaller "window".
  * Clock is now BigClock, SmallClock is now Clock.
  * Clock shows the time as well as the sinematrix effect. Closes #8.
  * If the loop takes too long too often, the ESP will automatically be rebooted. Closes #12.
  * The text drawing methods are now much more generalized. #5.
2019-05-23 21:18:15 +02:00

274 lines
7.9 KiB

class Effect {
Window window = {0, 0, LED_WIDTH, LED_HEIGHT}; // Use a full screen window per default.
virtual void loop() = 0;
boolean supports_window = false;
void setWindow(Window win) {
window = win;
struct EffectEntry {
char* name;
Effect* effect;
class Bell : public Effect {
CRGB color_on = CRGB(0xFFFF00);
CRGB color_off = CRGB(0x000000);
boolean invert = false;
void loop() {
Serial.println("This is Bell.loop()");
for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++) {
for (int z = 0; z < 8; z++) {
leds[XYsafe(x * 8 + z, y)] = sprite_bell[y * 2 + x] >> (7 - z) & 1 ^ invert ? color_on : color_off;
invert = !invert;
class BigClock : public Effect {
CRGB color_h = CRGB(0xFF0000);
CRGB color_m = CRGB(0x00FF00);
CRGB color_colon = CRGB(0xFFFF00);
void drawNumber(uint8_t number, int x, int y, CRGB color) {
char buffer[7];
sprintf(buffer, "%02d", number);
drawText(buffer, x, y, color);
void drawText(char *text, int x, int y, CRGB color) {
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(text); i++) {
drawSprite(font_char(numbers4x7, text[i]), x + i * 4, y, color);
unsigned char* font_char(unsigned char* font, char c) {
return &font[(c - 48) * 4];
void drawSprite(unsigned char* sprite, int xOffset, int yOffset, CRGB color) {
for ( byte y = 0; y < 7; y++) {
for ( byte x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
bool on = (sprite[x] >> y & 1) * 255;
if (on) {
leds[ XYsafe(x + xOffset, y + yOffset) ] = color;
BigClock() {}
void loop() {
drawNumber(ntpClient.getHours(), 0, 0, color_h);
drawNumber(ntpClient.getMinutes(), 8, 0, color_m);
/*if (ntpClient.getSeconds() & 1) {
leds[XYsafe(13, 2)] = color_colon;
leds[XYsafe(13, 5)] = color_colon;
drawNumber(ntpClient.getSeconds(), 8, 8, color_colon);
class Clock : public Effect {
CRGB color_h = CRGB(0xFF0000);
CRGB color_m = CRGB(0x00FF00);
CRGB color_colon = CRGB(0xFFFF00);
Effect* secondary_effect = 0;
Window window = {0, LED_HEIGHT - 5, LED_WIDTH, 5};
Window secondary_window = {0, 0, LED_WIDTH, LED_HEIGHT - 6};
long secondary_effect_started_at = 0;
EffectEntry* effects;
void setEffects(EffectEntry* e) {
effects = e;
Clock() {}
void loop() {
int h = ntpClient.getHours();
drawDigit(window, numbers3x5, 3, 5, 0, 0, h / 10, color_h);
drawDigit(window, numbers3x5, 3, 5, 4, 0, h % 10, color_h);
int m = ntpClient.getMinutes();
drawDigit(window, numbers3x5, 3, 5, 9, 0, m / 10, color_m);
drawDigit(window, numbers3x5, 3, 5, 13, 0, m % 10, color_m);
if (ntpClient.getSeconds() & 1) {
setPixel(window, 7, 1, color_colon);
setPixel(window, 7, 3, color_colon);
// Change effect?
if (secondary_effect == 0 || secondary_effect_started_at == 0 || millis() - secondary_effect_started_at > EFFECT_CYCLE_TIME) {
secondary_effect = effects[0].effect;
secondary_effect_started_at = millis();
class Sinematrix3 : public Effect {
double pangle = 0;
double angle = 0;
double sx = 0;
double sy = 0;
double tx = 0;
double ty = 0;
double cx = 0;
double cy = 0;
double rcx = 0;
double rcy = 0;
double angle2 = 0;
double sx2 = 0;
double sy2 = 0;
double tx2 = 0;
double ty2 = 0;
double basecol = 0;
double fx = 1.0 / (LED_WIDTH / PI);
double fy = 1.0 / (LED_HEIGHT / PI);
Matrix rotate;
boolean supports_window = true;
Sinematrix3() {}
void loop() {
pangle = addmodpi( pangle, 0.0133 + (angle / 256) );
angle = cos(pangle) * PI;
sx = addmodpi( sx, 0.00673 );
sy = addmodpi( sy, 0.00437 );
tx = addmodpi( tx, 0.00239 );
ty = addmodpi( ty, 0.00293 );
cx = addmodpi( cx, 0.00197 );
cy = addmodpi( cy, 0.00227 );
rcx = (LED_WIDTH / 2) + (sin(cx) * LED_WIDTH);
rcy = (LED_HEIGHT / 2) + (sin(cy) * LED_HEIGHT);
angle2 = addmodpi( angle2, 0.0029 );
sx2 = addmodpi( sx2, 0.0041);
sy2 = addmodpi( sy2, 0.0031);
tx2 = addmodpi( tx2, 0.0011 );
ty2 = addmodpi( ty2, 0.0023 );
basecol = addmod( basecol, 1.0, 0.007 );
rotate = {
.a11 = cos(angle),
.a12 = -sin(angle),
.a21 = sin(angle),
.a22 = cos(angle)
Matrix zoom = {
.a11 = sin(sx) / 4.0 + 0.15,
.a12 = 0, //atan(cos(sx2)),
.a21 = 0, //atan(cos(sy2)),
.a22 = cos(sy) / 4.0 + 0.15
Vector translate = {
.x1 = sin(tx) * LED_WIDTH,
.x2 = sin(ty) * LED_HEIGHT
for ( int x = 0; x < LED_WIDTH; x++ ) {
for ( int y = 0; y < LED_HEIGHT; y++ ) {
Vector c = add(multiply( multiply(rotate, zoom), { .x1 = x - rcx, .x2 = y - rcy } ), translate);
//Vector c2 = add(multiply( multiply(zoom2, rotate2), { .x1 = x, .x2 = y } ), translate2);
setPixel(window, x, y, CHSV((basecol + basefield(c.x1, c.x2)) * 255, 255, 255));
//leds[XYsafe(x,y)] = CHSV((basecol+basefield(c.x1, c.x2))*255, 255, 255); //31+(sines(c2.x1-10, c2.x2-10)*224));
class Static : public Effect {
CRGB color;
Static(CRGB col) {
color = col;
boolean supports_window = true;
void loop() {
clear(window, color);
class Animation : public Effect {
AnimationData *animation;
int frame = 0;
CRGB background_color;
int xOffset, yOffset;
long frameSince = 0;
Animation(AnimationData *anim) {
Animation(anim, CRGB(0), 0, 0);
Animation(AnimationData *anim, CRGB background_color) {
Animation(anim, background_color, 0, 0);
Animation(AnimationData *anim, CRGB bg_color, int x, int y) {
animation = anim;
background_color = bg_color;
xOffset = x;
yOffset = y;
void loop() {
Serial.printf("Animation.loop. Animation is %p.", (void *)animation);
CRGB colors[animation->color_count];
int led_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < animation->color_count; i++) colors[i] = CRGB(animation->colors[i]);
for (int i = animation->offsets[frame]; i < animation->offsets[frame + 1]; i++) {
if (animation->data[i] == 255) { // Run-length encoded data
uint8_t color = animation->data[i + 2];
for (int j = 0; j < animation->data[i + 1]; j++) {
if (color > 1) {
set(led_index, colors[animation->data[i + 2]]);
} else if (color==1) {
set(led_index, background_color);
i += 2;
} else {
uint8_t color = animation->data[i];
if (color > 1) {
set(led_index, colors[animation->data[i]]);
} else if (color == 1) {
set(led_index, background_color);
if (frameSince == 0 || frameSince + frameDelay(animation, frame) < millis() || frameSince > millis()) {
frame = (frame + 1) % animation->frame_count;
frameSince = millis();
void set(int i, CRGB color) {
setPixel(xOffset + (i % animation->w), yOffset + (i / animation->h), color);
uint16_t frameDelay(AnimationData* animation, int frame) {
if (animation->individual_delays) return animation->delays[frame];
return animation->delays[0];