#include /** * This example shows how to use reports. * Two reports are defined: * * "free_heap" returns the amount of free heap space. The method is provided as lambda function. * Since `interval` ist set to 0, it will not be reported via MQTT, making it accessible only * via HTTP. * * "uptime" returns the current uptime in seconds. It will be reported via MQTT (as long as you * keep MQTT enabled) every 10 seconds. Since `cache_only` is set to true, the method won't be * called any more often than that. * * You can access them via HTTP GET request to `/free_heap` or `/uptime`. There's a * nice-ish website at `/`, listing all registered reports along with (cached) data from them. * If you kept the suggested hostname, this link should lead you there: http://basic-test/. * * If you enabled MQTT, "free_heap" will be published every 10 seconds. Again, if you * didn't change the topic below, it would be `basic-test-mqtt-topic/free_heap`. */ SimpleIOT* iot = NULL; String uptime() { return String(millis() / 1000); } void setup() { // Set pin 13 to be an OUTPUT. pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // Initialize SimpleIOT, giving it a WiFi SSID and the matching password to connect as well as a hostname to use. iot = new SimpleIOT("ssid", "password", "basic-test"); // Set data for an MQTT server. You can omit this line if you don't want to use MQTT. iot->setMQTTData("", 1883, "basic-test-mqtt-user", "basic-test-mqtt-password", "basic-test-mqtt-topic/"); // Define three actions. iot->report_on("free_heap", []()->String{ return String(ESP.free_heap()); }, 0, false); iot->report_on("uptime", uptime, 10000, true); iot->begin(); } void loop() { iot->loop(); }