/* Telegram_Backup * Copyright (C) 2016 Fabian Schlenz * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package de.fabianonline.telegram_backup import de.fabianonline.telegram_backup.TelegramUpdateHandler import de.fabianonline.telegram_backup.exporter.HTMLExporter import com.github.badoualy.telegram.api.Kotlogram import com.github.badoualy.telegram.api.TelegramApp import com.github.badoualy.telegram.api.TelegramClient import com.github.badoualy.telegram.tl.exception.RpcErrorException import java.io.File import java.io.IOException import java.util.Scanner import java.util.Vector import java.util.HashMap import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import org.slf4j.Logger class CommandLineController(val options: CommandLineOptions) { val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommandLineController::class.java) init { val storage: ApiStorage val app: TelegramApp val target_dir: String val file_base: String val phone_number: String val handler: TelegramUpdateHandler var client: TelegramClient val user_manager: UserManager val settings: Settings val database: Database logger.info("CommandLineController started. App version {}", Config.APP_APPVER) printHeader() if (options.booleans.contains("version")) { System.exit(0) } else if (options.booleans.contains("help")) { show_help() System.exit(0) } else if (options.booleans.contains("license")) { show_license() System.exit(0) } // Setup TelegramApp logger.debug("Initializing TelegramApp") app = TelegramApp(Config.APP_ID, Config.APP_HASH, Config.APP_MODEL, Config.APP_SYSVER, Config.APP_APPVER, Config.APP_LANG) // Setup file_base logger.debug("Target dir from Config: {}", Config.TARGET_DIR.anonymize()) target_dir = options.values.get("target") ?: Config.TARGET_DIR logger.debug("Target dir after options: {}", target_dir) println("Base directory for files: ${target_dir.anonymize()}") if (options.booleans.contains("list_accounts")) { Utils.print_accounts(target_dir) System.exit(0) } if (options.booleans.contains("login")) { cmd_login(app, target_dir, options.values.get("account")) } logger.trace("Checking accounts") phone_number = try { selectAccount(target_dir, options.values.get("account")) } catch(e: AccountNotFoundException) { show_error("The specified account could not be found.") } catch(e: NoAccountsException) { println("No accounts found. Starting login process...") cmd_login(app, target_dir, options.values.get("account")) } // TODO: Create a new TelegramApp if the user set his/her own TelegramApp credentials // At this point we can assume that the selected user account ("phone_number") exists. // So we can create some objects: file_base = build_file_base(target_dir, phone_number) logger.info("Initializing ApiStorage") storage = ApiStorage(file_base) logger.info("Creating Client") client = Kotlogram.getDefaultClient(app, storage, Kotlogram.PROD_DC4, null) // From now on we have a new catch-all-block that will terminate it's TelegramClient when an exception happens. try { logger.info("Initializing UserManager") user_manager = UserManager(client) // TODO /*if (!options.cmd_login && !user.loggedIn) { println("Your authorization data is invalid or missing. You will have to login with Telegram again.") options.cmd_login = true }*/ if (phone_number != user_manager.phone) { logger.error("phone_number: {}, user_manager.phone: {}", phone_number.anonymize(), user_manager.phone.anonymize()) show_error("Account / User mismatch") } // If we reach this point, we can assume that there is an account and a database can be loaded / created. database = Database(file_base, user_manager) // Load the settings and stuff. settings = Settings(file_base, database, options) if (options.booleans.contains("stats")) { cmd_stats(file_base, database) System.exit(0) } else if (options.booleans.contains("settings")) { settings.print() System.exit(0) } val export = options.values["export"] logger.debug("options.val_export: {}", export) if (export != null) { if (export.toLowerCase() == "html") { HTMLExporter(database, user_manager, settings=settings, file_base=file_base).export() System.exit(0) } else { show_error("Unknown export format '${export}'.") } } println("You are logged in as ${user_manager.toString().anonymize()}") logger.info("Initializing Download Manager") val d = DownloadManager(client, CommandLineDownloadProgress(), database, user_manager, settings, file_base) if (options.booleans.contains("list_channels")) { val chats = d.getChats() val print_header = {download: Boolean -> println("%-15s %-40s %s".format("ID", "Title", if (download) "Download" else "")); println("-".repeat(65)) } val format = {c: DownloadManager.Channel, download: Boolean -> "%-15s %-40s %s".format(c.id.toString().anonymize(), c.title.anonymize(), if (download) (if(c.download) "YES" else "no") else "")} var download: Boolean println("Channels:") download = settings.download_channels if (!download) println("Download of channels is disabled - see download_channels in config.ini") print_header(download) for (c in chats.channels) { println(format(c, download)) } println() println("Supergroups:") download = settings.download_supergroups if (!download) println("Download of supergroups is disabled - see download_supergroups in config.ini") print_header(download) for (c in chats.supergroups) { println(format(c, download)) } System.exit(0) } logger.debug("Calling DownloadManager.downloadMessages with limit {}", options.values.get("limit_messages")?.last()) d.downloadMessages(options.values.get("limit_messages")?.last()?.toInt()) logger.debug("IniSettings#download_media: {}", settings.download_media) if (settings.download_media) { logger.debug("Calling DownloadManager.downloadMedia") d.downloadMedia() } else { println("Skipping media download because download_media is set to false.") } if (options.booleans.contains("daemon")) { logger.info("Initializing TelegramUpdateHandler") handler = TelegramUpdateHandler(user_manager, database, file_base, settings) client.close() logger.info("Creating new client") client = Kotlogram.getDefaultClient(app, storage, Kotlogram.PROD_DC4, handler) println("DAEMON mode requested - keeping running.") } } catch (e: Throwable) { println("An error occurred!") e.printStackTrace() logger.error("Exception caught!", e) } finally { client.close() println() println("----- EXIT -----") System.exit(0) } } private fun printHeader() { System.out.println("Telegram_Backup version " + Config.APP_APPVER + ", Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 Fabian Schlenz") println() println("Telegram_Backup comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are") println("welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; run it with '--license' for details.") println() } private fun selectAccount(file_base: String, requested_account: String?): String { var found_account: String? val accounts = Utils.getAccounts(file_base) if (requested_account != null) { logger.debug("Account requested: {}", requested_account.anonymize()) logger.trace("Checking accounts for match.") found_account = accounts.find{it == requested_account} } else if (accounts.size == 0) { throw NoAccountsException() } else if (accounts.size == 1) { found_account = accounts.firstElement() println("Using only available account: " + found_account.anonymize()) } else { show_error(("You have more than one account but didn't specify which one to use.\n" + "Use '--account ' to use account .\n" + "Use '--list-accounts' to see all available accounts.")) } if (found_account == null) { throw AccountNotFoundException() } logger.debug("accounts.size: {}", accounts.size) logger.debug("account: {}", found_account.anonymize()) return found_account } private fun cmd_stats(file_base: String, db: Database) { println() println("Stats:") val format = "%40s: %d%n" System.out.format(format, "Number of accounts", Utils.getAccounts(file_base).size) System.out.format(format, "Number of messages", db.getMessageCount()) System.out.format(format, "Number of chats", db.getChatCount()) System.out.format(format, "Number of users", db.getUserCount()) System.out.format(format, "Top message ID", db.getTopMessageID()) println() println("Media Types:") for ((key, value) in db.getMessageMediaTypesWithCount()) { System.out.format(format, key, value) } println() println("Api layers of messages:") for ((key, value) in db.getMessageApiLayerWithCount()) { System.out.format(format, key, value) } println() println("Message source types:") for ((key, value) in db.getMessageSourceTypeWithCount()) { System.out.format(format, key, value) } } private fun cmd_login(app: TelegramApp, target_dir: String, phoneToUse: String?): Nothing { LoginManager(app, target_dir, phoneToUse).run() System.exit(0) throw RuntimeException("Code never reaches this. This exists just to keep the Kotlin compiler happy.") } private fun show_help() { println("Valid options are:") println(" --help Shows this help.") println(" --account Use account .") println(" --login Login to an existing telegram account.") println(" --debug Shows some debug information.") println(" --trace Shows lots of debug information. Overrides --debug.") println(" --trace-telegram Shows lots of debug messages from the library used to access Telegram.") println(" --list-accounts List all existing accounts ") println(" --limit-messages Downloads at most the most recent messages.") println(" --target Target directory for the files.") println(" --export Export the database. Valid formats are:") println(" html - Creates HTML files.") println(" --license Displays the license of this program.") println(" --daemon Keep running after the backup and automatically save new messages.") println(" --anonymize (Try to) Remove all sensitive information from output. Useful for requesting support.") println(" --stats Print some usage statistics.") println(" --list-channels Lists all channels together with their ID") } companion object { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommandLineController::class.java) public fun show_error(error: String): Nothing { logger.error(error) println("ERROR: " + error) System.exit(1) throw RuntimeException("Code never reaches this. This exists just to keep the Kotlin compiler happy.") } fun show_license() { println("TODO: Print the GPL.") } fun build_file_base(target_dir: String, account_to_use: String) = target_dir + File.separatorChar + account_to_use + File.separatorChar } class AccountNotFoundException() : Exception("Account not found") {} class NoAccountsException() : Exception("No accounts found") {} }