]> ## &name; ### &version; - Updated zabbix_agentd from 5.0.2 to 5.0.3 - Download updated plugins from stable instead of main. - Added new zabbix endpoint unraid.ups ### 2020.09.05.1 - Added a new field 'running' to qemu.disk ### 2020.08.11 - Added system temperature metrics. Note: These will only work if you have the Dynamix System Temperature plugin installed. - Fixed the virtual interface detection in unraid.qemu. ### 2020.07.16 - Package based installation process. - Added a zabbix template file. ### 2020.07.15 - More metrics ### 2020.07.14 - Initial commit echo "Installation of zabbix_agent plugin started." if [ -e /boot/config/plugins/zabbix_agent/&packageName; ]; then echo "Package already exists." else echo "Current &packageName; not found; removing old packages (if existing)." rm /boot/config/plugins/zabbix_agent/*.package.tgz echo "Downloading current package..." fi &packageURL; &packageMD5; if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.zabbix_agentd ]; then echo "Stopping old zabbix agent..." /etc/rc.d/rc.zabbix_agentd stop fi echo "Extracting support files..." upgradepkg --install-new /boot/config/plugins/zabbix_agent/&packageName; echo "Starting zabbix_agent..." /etc/rc.d/rc.zabbix_agentd start echo "Removal of zabbix_agent plugin started." echo "Stopping zabbix_agentd..." /etc/rc.d/rc.zabbix_agentd stop echo "Uninstalling package..." removepkg zabbix_agent echo "Removing remaining plugin files..." rm -rf /boot/config/plugins/zabbix_agent echo "Removal of zabbix_agent plugin completed."