Implemented dynamic mapping of yaml values to command line arguments.

This commit is contained in:
Fabian Schlenz 2017-02-13 13:07:32 +01:00
parent 1b770d45d8
commit 7146cdb027
1 changed files with 50 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -4,6 +4,25 @@ require 'pp'
require 'shellwords' require 'shellwords'
require 'getoptlong' require 'getoptlong'
['stdin_open', '--interactive', {:type=>:switch}],
['tty', '--tty', {:type=>:switch}],
['detach', '--detach', {:type=>:switch}],
['remove', '--rm', {:type=>:switch}],
['container_name', '--name', {:type=>:name}],
['ports', '--publish'],
['restart', '--restart'],
['environment', '--env'],
['volumes', '--volume'],
['mem_limit', '--memory'],
['links', '--link'],
['stop_signal', '--stop-signal'],
['stop_grace_period', '--stop-timeout'],
['devices', '--device'],
['image', nil],
['command', nil, {:escape=>false}]
def get_sample(name="container") def get_sample(name="container")
return <<~HEREDOC return <<~HEREDOC
@ -70,6 +89,11 @@ def run(cmd, ignore_returnvalue=false)
raise "Command returned a non-zero exit value." if returnvalue!=true && !ignore_returnvalue raise "Command returned a non-zero exit value." if returnvalue!=true && !ignore_returnvalue
end end
def esc(obj, escape=true)
return obj unless escape
return obj.to_s.shellescape
def action_create(container, file) def action_create(container, file)
raise "File #{file} already exists" if File.exists?(file) raise "File #{file} already exists" if File.exists?(file)
@ -95,27 +119,35 @@ def action_run(container, file)
end end
(data["before_run"] || []).each{|cmd| run(cmd)} (data["before_run"] || []).each{|cmd| run(cmd)}
cmd = ["docker", "run"] cmd = ["docker", "run"]
data["interactive"] && cmd << "--tty" << "--interactive"
data["detach"]===false || cmd << "--detach" MAPPINGS.each do |mapping|
data["remove"] && cmd << "--rm" yml_name, cmd_name, inspect_name, options = *mapping
cmd << "--name=#{(data["container_name"] || key).shellescape}" options ||= {}
(data["ports"] || []).each {|p| cmd << "--publish" << p.to_s.shellescape} if !data[yml_name]
data["restart"] && cmd << "--restart=#{data["restart"].shellescape}" if options[:type]==:name
(data["environment"] || []).each {|key, val| cmd << "--env" << (val ? "#{key}=#{val.to_s.shellescape}" : key)} cmd << cmd_name << esc(key)
(data["volumes"] || []).each {|vol| cmd << "--volume" << vol.shellescape} end
data["mem_limit"] && cmd << "--memory=#{data["mem_limit"].shellescape}" next
(data["links"] || []).each {|link| cmd << "--link" << link.shellescape} end
data["stop_signal"] && cmd << "--stop-signal=#{data["stop_signal"].shellescape}"
data["stop_grace_period"] && cmd << "--stop-timeout=#{data["stop_grace_period"].shellescape}" if options[:type]==:switch
(data["devices"] || []).each {|dev| cmd << "--device" << dev.shellescape} cmd << cmd_name
cmd << data["image"].shellescape end
data["command"] && cmd << data["command"] if data[yml_name].is_a?(Array)
data[yml_name].each {|val| cmd << cmd_name << esc(val, options[:escape])}
elsif data[yml_name].is_a?(Hash)
data[yml_name].each {|key, val| cmd << cmd_name << "#{esc(key, options[:escape])}=#{esc(val, options[:escape])}"}
cmd << cmd_name << esc(data[yml_name], options[:escape])
run("docker rm -f #{(data["container_name"] || key).shellescape}", true) run("docker rm -f #{(data["container_name"] || key).shellescape}", true)
run(cmd.join(" ")) run(cmd.compact.join(" "))
(data["after_run"] || []).each{|cmd| run(cmd)} (data["after_run"] || []).each{|cmd| run(cmd)}
end end