Extended the sebsocket's capabilities. And moved a lot of html strings to PROGMEM to free up some RAM.
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
extern AsyncWebServer http_server;
extern File upload_file;
extern uint32_t monitor_client;
void http_server_setup();
void http_server_send_framedata();
@ -11,105 +11,152 @@
AsyncWebServer http_server(HTTP_SERVER_PORT);
AsyncWebSocket ws("/ws");
uint32_t monitor_client = 0;
File upload_file;
/*void http_server_handle_file_upload() {
if (http_server.uri() != "/upload") return;
HTTPUpload upload = http_server.upload();
if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START) {
String filename = upload.filename;
if (!filename.startsWith("/")) filename = "/" + filename;
LOGln("HTTP * Upload of %s starting...", upload.filename.c_str());
void http_server_handle_file_upload(AsyncWebServerRequest* request, String filename, size_t index, uint8_t* data, size_t len, bool final) {
File upload_file;
if (index == 0) { // Start of upload
LOGln("HTTP * Upload of %s starting...", filename.c_str());
upload_file = SPIFFS.open(filename, "w");
} else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE) {
if (upload_file) upload_file.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize);
} else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END) {
if (upload_file) upload_file.close();
LOGln("HTTP * Upload of %s with %d bytes done.", upload.filename.c_str(), upload.totalSize);
} else {
upload_file = SPIFFS.open(filename, "a");
upload_file.write(data, len);
if (final) {
LOGln("HTTP * Upload of %s done.", filename.c_str());
void ws_send_effects(AsyncWebSocketClient* client) {
String msg = "{\"effects\": [";
for (int i=0; i<effects_size; i++) {
if (i>0) msg += ", ";
msg += '"';
msg += effects[i].name;
msg += '"';
msg += "]}";
void ws_send_settings(AsyncWebSocketClient* client) {
String msg = "{\"settings\": [";
for (int i=0; i<all_settings_size; i++) {
if (i>0) msg += ", ";
msg += "{\"name\":\"";
msg += all_settings[i].name;
msg += "\",\"value\":";
msg += *(all_settings[i].value);
msg += ",\"type\":\"";
switch (all_settings[i].type) {
case TYPE_UINT8: msg += "uint8"; break;
case TYPE_UINT16: msg += "uint16"; break;
case TYPE_BOOL: msg += "bool"; break;
default: msg += "unknown";
msg += "\"}";
msg += "]}";
void ws_set_setting(String s) {
int8_t index = s.indexOf(":");
if (index < 1) return;
String key = s.substring(0, index);
String value = s.substring(index+1);
change_setting(key.c_str(), value.toInt());
void handle_ws(AsyncWebSocket* server, AsyncWebSocketClient* client, AwsEventType type, void* arg, uint8_t* data, size_t len) {
if (type == WS_EVT_CONNECT) {
LOGln("Websocket * Client connected.");
LOGln("Websocket * Client connected. ID: %d", client->id());
} else if (type == WS_EVT_DISCONNECT) {
if (monitor_client == client->id()) monitor_client=0;
LOGln("Websocket * Client disconnected.");
} else if (type == WS_EVT_DATA) {
AwsFrameInfo* info = (AwsFrameInfo*)arg;
if (info->opcode == WS_TEXT) {
data[len] = 0;
String msg = String((char*)data);
LOGln("Websocket * In: %s", msg.c_str());
if (msg.startsWith("effect:")) {
} else if (msg.equals("effects?")) {
} else if (msg.equals("settings?")) {
} else if (msg.startsWith("setting:")) {
} else if (msg.equals("monitor:1")) {
monitor_client = client->id();
} else if (msg.equals("monitor:0")) {
if (monitor_client == client->id()) monitor_client=0;
} else {
client->text("Unknown command. Accepted commands:\neffects?\nsettings?\nsetting:<key>:<value>\neffect:<effect>\nmonitor:<0/1>");
void http_server_setup() {
PGM_P text_plain = PSTR("text/plain");
PGM_P text_html = PSTR("text/html");
static const char* PROGMEM text_plain = "text/plain";
http_server.on("/", HTTP_GET, [&](AsyncWebServerRequest* request){
LOGln("HTTP * GET /");
String message = "<html><head><title>Pitrix</title></head><body><h1>Pitrix</h1><p><a href='/settings'>Settings</a></p><p><a href='/effects'>Effect</a></p><p>Known animations:</p>";
String response = String(F("<html><head><title>Pitrix</title></head><body><h1>Pitrix</h1><p><a href='/settings'>Settings</a></p><p><a href='/effects'>Effect</a></p><p>Known animations:</p>"));
if (!SPIFFS.begin()) {
message += "<strong>No SPIFFS file system found.</strong>";
response += F("<strong>No SPIFFS file system found.</strong>");
} else {
message += "<ul>";
response += F("<ul>");
Dir dir = SPIFFS.openDir("/");
while (dir.next()) {
message += "<li>" + dir.fileName() + " (<a href='/delete?" + dir.fileName() + "'>delete</a>)</li>";
char buffer[100];
snprintf_P(buffer, 100, PSTR("<li>%s (<a href='/delete?%s'>delete</a>)</li>"), dir.fileName().c_str(), dir.fileName().c_str());
response += buffer;
message += "</ul>";
message += "<form action='/upload' method='POST'><input type='file' name='file' /><input type='submit' value='Upload file' /></form>";
response += F("</ul>");
response += F("<form action='/upload' method='POST'><input type='file' name='file' /><input type='submit' value='Upload file' /></form>");
message += "</body></html>";
request->send(200, "text/html", message);
response += F("</body></html>");
request->send(200, "text/html", response);
http_server.on("/settings", HTTP_GET, [&](AsyncWebServerRequest* request) {
String message = "<html><head><title>Pitrix settings</title></head><body><h1>Pitrix settings</h1><a href='/'>Back to main page</a><table>\n";
String message = F("<html><head><title>Pitrix settings</title></head><body><h1>Pitrix settings</h1><a href='/'>Back to main page</a><table>\n");
for (int i=0; i<all_settings_size; i++) {
Setting s = all_settings[i];
uint16_t default_value = setting_default(&s);
uint16_t value = *(s.value);
message += "<tr><td>";
message += F("<tr><td>");
if (default_value != value) {
message += "<strong>";
message += F("<strong>");
message += s.name;
if (default_value != value) {
message += "<strong>";
message += F("<strong>");
message += "</td><td>";
message += F("</td><td>");
message += value;
if (default_value != value) {
message += " (";
message += default_value;
message += ")";
message += "</td><td><form method='POST' action='/settings?redir=1'><input type='hidden' name='key' value='";
message += s.name;
message += "'/>";
char buffer[150];
snprintf_P(buffer, 150, PSTR("</td><td><form method='POST' action='/settings?redir=1'><input type='hidden' name='key' value='%s'/>"), s.name);
message += buffer;
if (s.type==TYPE_UINT8 || s.type==TYPE_UINT16) {
message += "<input type='number' name='value' value='";
message += value;
message += "' min='0' max='";
if (s.type==TYPE_UINT8) {
message += "255";
} else {
message += "65535";
message += "' />";
snprintf_P(buffer, 150, PSTR("<input type='number' name='value' value='%d' min='0' max='%d' />"), value, s.type==TYPE_UINT8 ? 255 : 65535);
} else if (s.type==TYPE_BOOL) {
message += "<input type='radio' name='value' value='0'";
if (value==0) {
message += " checked='checked'";
message += "> Off / <input type='radio' name='value' value='1'";
if (value==1) {
message += " checked='checked'";
message += "> On";
snprintf_P(buffer, 150, PSTR("<input type='radio' name='value' value='0' %s> Off / <input type='radio' name='value' value='1' %s> On"), value==0?"checked":"", value==1?"checked":"");
message += "<input type='submit' value='Save' />";
message += "</form></td></tr>\n";
message += buffer;
message += F("<input type='submit' value='Save' /></form></td></tr>\n");
message += "</table></body></html>";
message += F("</table></body></html>");
request->send(200, "text/html", message);
http_server.on("/settings", HTTP_POST, [&](AsyncWebServerRequest* request) {
@ -122,9 +169,7 @@ void http_server_setup() {
if (change_setting(name.c_str(), value)) {
if (request->hasParam("redir")) {
AsyncWebServerResponse* response = request->beginResponse(301, "text/plain", "Moved");
response->addHeader("Location", "/settings");
} else {
request->send(200, "text/plain", "OK");
@ -155,15 +200,13 @@ void http_server_setup() {
request->send(500, "text/plain", "Could not read settings.");
http_server.on("/effects", HTTP_GET, [&](AsyncWebServerRequest* request) {
String message = "<html><head><title>Pitrix effects</title></head><body><h1>Pitrix settings</h1><a href='/'>Back to main page</a><table>";
String message = F("<html><head><title>Pitrix effects</title></head><body><h1>Pitrix settings</h1><a href='/'>Back to main page</a><table>");
char buffer[150];
for (int i=0; i<effects_size; i++) {
message += "<tr><td>";
message += effects[i].name;
message += "</td><td><form method='post' action='/effects'><input type='hidden' name='name' value='";
message += effects[i].name;
message += "'><input type='hidden' name='redir' value='1'><input type='submit' value='Select'></form></td></tr>";
snprintf_P(buffer, 150, PSTR("<tr><td>%s</td><td><form method='post' action='/effects'><input type='hidden' name='name' value='%s'><input type='hidden' name='redir' value='1'><input type='submit' value='Select'></form></td></tr>"), effects[i].name, effects[i].name);
message += buffer;
message += "</table></body></html>";
message += F("</table></body></html>");
request->send(200, "text/html", message);
http_server.on("/effects", HTTP_POST, [&](AsyncWebServerRequest* request) {
@ -174,9 +217,7 @@ void http_server_setup() {
String name = request->getParam("name", true)->value();
if (change_current_effect(name)) {
if (request->hasParam("redir")) {
AsyncWebServerResponse* response = request->beginResponse(301, "text/plain", "Moved");
response->addHeader("Location", "/effects");
} else {
request->send(200, "text/plain", "OK");
@ -202,10 +243,9 @@ void http_server_setup() {
request->send_P(200, text_plain, PSTR("OK"));
/*http_server.on("/upload", HTTP_POST, [](AsyncWebServerRequest* request) {
LOGln("HTTP * POST /upload");
request->send(200, "text/plain", "OK");
}, http_server_handle_file_upload);*/
http_server.on("/upload", HTTP_POST, [](AsyncWebServerRequest* request) {
}, http_server_handle_file_upload);
http_server.on("/free_heap", HTTP_GET, [&](AsyncWebServerRequest* request){
LOGln("HTTP * GET /free_heap");
request->send(200, "text/plain", String(ESP.getFreeHeap()));
@ -242,15 +282,38 @@ void http_server_setup() {
<button id='monitor_off'>Monitor OFF</button>
<button id='monitor_on'>Monitor ON</button>
<canvas id='target' width='800' height='500'></canvas>
<script type='text/javascript'>
width = height = 32;
active = false;
ctx = document.getElementById('target').getContext('2d');
socket = new WebSocket((document.location.protocol=='https:' ? 'wss' : 'ws') + '://' + document.location.host + '/ws');
socket.onopen = function() {
socket.binaryType = 'arraybuffer';
socket.onmessage = function(message) {
if ((typeof message.data) == 'string') {
var j = JSON.parse(message.data);
if (j.effects) {
console.log('Got effects.');
if (j.settings) {
console.log('Got settings.');
if (!active) return;
var buffer = new Uint8Array(message.data);
var width = buffer[0];
var height = buffer[1];
width = buffer[0];
height = buffer[1];
if (buffer[2] != 255) return;
var offset = 3;
ctx.fillStyle = '#000000';
@ -260,15 +323,20 @@ void http_server_setup() {
var g = buffer[offset + 1];
var b = buffer[offset + 2];
offset = offset + 3;
ctx.arc(x*20 + 10, y*20 + 10, 10, 0, 2*Math.PI, false);
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb('+r+','+g+','+b+')';
ctx.fillRect(x*20+2, y*20+2, 16, 16);
function redraw() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
document.getElementById('monitor_on').onclick = function() {
active = true;
document.getElementById('monitor_off').onclick = function() {
active = false;
ctx.fillStyle = '0x80808080';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width*20, height*20);
@ -288,79 +356,27 @@ void http_server_setup() {
void http_server_send_framedata() {
if (ws.count() > 0) {
uint16_t _size = LED_WIDTH * LED_HEIGHT * 3 + 4;
uint8_t* _buffer = new uint8_t[_size];
_buffer[0] = LED_WIDTH;
_buffer[1] = LED_HEIGHT;
_buffer[2] = 255;
for (uint8_t y=0; y<LED_HEIGHT; y++) for(uint8_t x=0; x<LED_WIDTH; x++) {
uint16_t index = XYsafe(x, y);
CRGB pixel = leds[index];
_buffer[3 + (y*LED_WIDTH + x)*3 + 0] = (pixel.r==255 ? 254 : pixel.r);
_buffer[3 + (y*LED_WIDTH + x)*3 + 1] = (pixel.g==255 ? 254 : pixel.g);
_buffer[3 + (y*LED_WIDTH + x)*3 + 2] = (pixel.b==255 ? 254 : pixel.b);
if (ws.count()>0 && monitor_client>0) {
if (ws.hasClient(monitor_client)) {
uint16_t _size = LED_WIDTH * LED_HEIGHT * 3 + 4;
uint8_t* _buffer = new uint8_t[_size];
_buffer[0] = LED_WIDTH;
_buffer[1] = LED_HEIGHT;
_buffer[2] = 255;
for (uint8_t y=0; y<LED_HEIGHT; y++) for(uint8_t x=0; x<LED_WIDTH; x++) {
uint16_t index = XYsafe(x, y);
CRGB pixel = leds[index];
_buffer[3 + (y*LED_WIDTH + x)*3 + 0] = (pixel.r==255 ? 254 : pixel.r);
_buffer[3 + (y*LED_WIDTH + x)*3 + 1] = (pixel.g==255 ? 254 : pixel.g);
_buffer[3 + (y*LED_WIDTH + x)*3 + 2] = (pixel.b==255 ? 254 : pixel.b);
_buffer[_size - 1] = 255;
ws.binary(monitor_client, _buffer, _size);
delete _buffer;
} else {
monitor_client = 0;
_buffer[_size - 1] = 255;
ws.binaryAll(_buffer, _size);
delete _buffer;
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WebSocketsServer.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "websockets.h"
#include "my_fastled.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "effects.h"
WebSocketsServer ws = WebSocketsServer(81);
void ws_event(uint8_t num, WStype_t type, uint8_t* payload, size_t length) {
if (type == WStype_CONNECTED) {
LOGln("Websockets * Client connected.");
} else if (type == WStype_DISCONNECTED) {
LOGln("Websockets * Client disconnected.");
} else if (type == WStype_TEXT) {
String msg = String((char*)payload);
LOGln("Websockets * Received: %s", msg.c_str());
if (msg.startsWith("E:")) {
void websocket_setup() {
void send_data() {
uint16_t _size = LED_WIDTH * LED_HEIGHT * 3 + 4;
uint8_t* _buffer = new uint8_t[_size];
_buffer[0] = LED_WIDTH;
_buffer[1] = LED_HEIGHT;
_buffer[2] = 255;
for (uint8_t y=0; y<LED_HEIGHT; y++) for(uint8_t x=0; x<LED_WIDTH; x++) {
uint16_t index = XYsafe(x, y);
CRGB pixel = leds[index];
_buffer[3 + (y*LED_WIDTH + x)*3 + 0] = (pixel.r==255 ? 254 : pixel.r);
_buffer[3 + (y*LED_WIDTH + x)*3 + 1] = (pixel.g==255 ? 254 : pixel.g);
_buffer[3 + (y*LED_WIDTH + x)*3 + 2] = (pixel.b==255 ? 254 : pixel.b);
_buffer[_size - 1] = 255;
ws.broadcastBIN(_buffer, _size);
delete _buffer;
void websocket_loop() {
if (ws.connectedClients()>0) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user