mirror of https://github.com/fabianonline/telegram_backup.git synced 2025-03-13 15:43:47 +00:00

More rewriting. Also lots of fun with git stash and wrong branches...

This commit is contained in:
Fabian Schlenz 2018-04-06 06:19:49 +02:00
parent ebff71b208
commit 253b334fc3
7 changed files with 225 additions and 122 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#Thu Oct 06 11:24:39 CEST 2016
#Fri Mar 23 06:07:28 CET 2018

View File

@ -42,16 +42,17 @@ class CommandLineController(val options: CommandLineOptions) {
var client: TelegramClient
val user_manager: UserManager
val inisettings: IniSettings
val settings: Settings
val database: Database
logger.info("CommandLineController started. App version {}", Config.APP_APPVER)
if (options.cmd_version) {
if (options.booleans.contains("version")) {
} else if (options.cmd_help) {
} else if (options.booleans.contains("help")) {
} else if (options.cmd_license) {
} else if (options.booleans.contains("license")) {
@ -62,26 +63,26 @@ class CommandLineController(val options: CommandLineOptions) {
// Setup file_base
logger.debug("Target dir from Config: {}", Config.TARGET_DIR.anonymize())
target_dir = options.val_target ?: Config.TARGET_DIR
target_dir = options.values.get("target")?.last() ?: Config.TARGET_DIR
logger.debug("Target dir after options: {}", target_dir)
println("Base directory for files: ${target_dir.anonymize()}")
if (options.cmd_list_accounts) {
if (options.booleans.contains("list_accounts")) {
if (options.cmd_login) {
cmd_login(app, target_dir, options.val_account)
if (options.booleans.contains("login")) {
cmd_login(app, target_dir, options.values.get("account")?.last())
logger.trace("Checking accounts")
phone_number = try { selectAccount(target_dir, options.val_account)
phone_number = try { selectAccount(target_dir, options.values.get("account")?.last())
} catch(e: AccountNotFoundException) {
show_error("The specified account could not be found.")
} catch(e: NoAccountsException) {
println("No accounts found. Starting login process...")
cmd_login(app, target_dir, options.val_account)
cmd_login(app, target_dir, options.values.get("account")?.last())
// TODO: Create a new TelegramApp if the user set his/her own TelegramApp credentials
@ -112,33 +113,22 @@ class CommandLineController(val options: CommandLineOptions) {
show_error("Account / User mismatch")
// Load the ini file.
inisettings = IniSettings(file_base)
// If we reach this point, we can assume that there is an account and a database can be loaded / created.
database = Database(file_base, user_manager)
if (options.cmd_stats) {
// Load the settings and stuff.
settings = Settings(file_base, database, options)
if (options.booleans.contains("stats")) {
cmd_stats(file_base, database)
if (options.val_test != null) {
if (options.val_test == 1) {
} else if (options.val_test == 2) {
} else {
System.out.println("Unknown test " + options.val_test)
val export = options.val_export
val export = options.values.get("export")?.last()
logger.debug("options.val_export: {}", export)
if (export != null) {
if (export.toLowerCase().equals("html")) {
HTMLExporter(database, user_manager, ini=inisettings, file_base=file_base).export()
if (export.toLowerCase() == "html") {
HTMLExporter(database, user_manager, settings=settings, file_base=file_base).export()
} else {
show_error("Unknown export format '${export}'.")
@ -150,7 +140,7 @@ class CommandLineController(val options: CommandLineOptions) {
logger.info("Initializing Download Manager")
val d = DownloadManager(client, CommandLineDownloadProgress(), database, user_manager, inisettings)
if (options.cmd_list_channels) {
if (options.booleans.contains("list_channels")) {
val chats = d.getChats()
val print_header = {download: Boolean -> println("%-15s %-40s %s".format("ID", "Title", if (download) "Download" else "")); println("-".repeat(65)) }
val format = {c: DownloadManager.Channel, download: Boolean -> "%-15s %-40s %s".format(c.id.toString().anonymize(), c.title.anonymize(), if (download) (if(c.download) "YES" else "no") else "")}
@ -174,8 +164,8 @@ class CommandLineController(val options: CommandLineOptions) {
logger.debug("Calling DownloadManager.downloadMessages with limit {}", options.val_limit_messages)
logger.debug("Calling DownloadManager.downloadMessages with limit {}", options.values.get("limit_messages")?.last())
logger.debug("IniSettings#download_media: {}", inisettings.download_media)
if (inisettings.download_media) {
logger.debug("Calling DownloadManager.downloadMedia")
@ -184,7 +174,7 @@ class CommandLineController(val options: CommandLineOptions) {
println("Skipping media download because download_media is set to false.")
if (options.cmd_daemon) {
if (options.boolean.contains("daemon")) {
logger.info("Initializing TelegramUpdateHandler")
handler = TelegramUpdateHandler(user_manager, database)
@ -193,7 +183,7 @@ class CommandLineController(val options: CommandLineOptions) {
println("DAEMON mode requested - keeping running.")
} catch (e: Throwable) {
println("An error occured!")
println("An error occurred!")
logger.error("Exception caught!", e)
} finally {
@ -274,19 +264,19 @@ class CommandLineController(val options: CommandLineOptions) {
private fun show_help() {
println("Valid options are:")
println(" -h, --help Shows this help.")
println(" -a, --account <x> Use account <x>.")
println(" -l, --login Login to an existing telegram account.")
println(" --help Shows this help.")
println(" --account <x> Use account <x>.")
println(" --login Login to an existing telegram account.")
println(" --debug Shows some debug information.")
println(" --trace Shows lots of debug information. Overrides --debug.")
println(" --trace-telegram Shows lots of debug messages from the library used to access Telegram.")
println(" -A, --list-accounts List all existing accounts ")
println(" --list-accounts List all existing accounts ")
println(" --limit-messages <x> Downloads at most the most recent <x> messages.")
println(" -t, --target <x> Target directory for the files.")
println(" -e, --export <format> Export the database. Valid formats are:")
println(" --target <x> Target directory for the files.")
println(" --export <format> Export the database. Valid formats are:")
println(" html - Creates HTML files.")
println(" --license Displays the license of this program.")
println(" -d, --daemon Keep running after the backup and automatically save new messages.")
println(" --daemon Keep running after the backup and automatically save new messages.")
println(" --anonymize (Try to) Remove all sensitive information from output. Useful for requesting support.")
println(" --stats Print some usage statistics.")
println(" --list-channels Lists all channels together with their ID")

View File

@ -16,81 +16,28 @@
package de.fabianonline.telegram_backup
class CommandLineOptions(args: Array<String>) {
var cmd_console = false
var cmd_help = false
var cmd_login = false
var cmd_debug = false
var cmd_trace = false
var cmd_trace_telegram = false
var cmd_list_accounts = false
var cmd_version = false
var cmd_license = false
var cmd_daemon = false
var cmd_stats = false
var cmd_list_channels = false
var val_account: String? = null
var val_limit_messages: Int? = null
var val_target: String? = null
var val_export: String? = null
var val_test: Int? = null
val booleans = mutableListOf<String>()
val values = mutableMapOf<String, MutableList<String>>()
var last_key: String? = null
init {
var last_cmd: String? = null
loop@ for (arg in args) {
if (last_cmd != null) {
when (last_cmd) {
"--account" -> val_account = arg
"--limit-messages" -> val_limit_messages = Integer.parseInt(arg)
"--target" -> val_target = arg
"--export" -> val_export = arg
"--test" -> val_test = Integer.parseInt(arg)
for(arg in args) {
if (arg.starts_with("--")) {
if (last_key!=null) {
last_cmd = null
when (arg) {
"-a", "--account" -> {
last_cmd = "--account"
last_key = arg.substr(2)
} else {
if (last_key==null) throw RuntimeException("Unexpected parameter without switch: $arg")
var list = values.get(last_key)
if (list==null) {
list = mutableListOf<String>()
values.add(last_key, list)
"-h", "--help" -> cmd_help = true
"-l", "--login" -> cmd_login = true
"--debug" -> cmd_debug = true
"--trace" -> cmd_trace = true
"--trace-telegram" -> cmd_trace_telegram = true
"-A", "--list-accounts" -> cmd_list_accounts = true
"--limit-messages" -> {
last_cmd = arg
"--console" -> cmd_console = true
"-t", "--target" -> {
last_cmd = "--target"
"-V", "--version" -> cmd_version = true
"-e", "--export" -> {
last_cmd = "--export"
"--pagination" -> {
last_cmd = "--pagination"
"--license" -> cmd_license = true
"-d", "--daemon" -> cmd_daemon = true
"--test" -> {
last_cmd = "--test"
"--anonymize" -> Utils.anonymize = true
"--stats" -> cmd_stats = true
"--list-channels" -> cmd_list_channels = true
else -> throw RuntimeException("Unknown command " + arg)
last_key = null
if (last_cmd != null) {
CommandLineController.show_error("Command $last_cmd had no parameter set.")
if (last_key!=null) booleans.add(last_key)

View File

@ -53,6 +53,11 @@ class CommandLineRunner(args: Array<String>) {
fun setupLogging() {
if (options.booleans.hasKey('anonymize')) {
Utils.anonymize = true
logger.trace("Setting up Loggers...")
val rootLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(org.slf4j.Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME) as Logger
val rootContext = rootLogger.getLoggerContext()

View File

@ -240,6 +240,16 @@ class Database constructor(val file_base: String, val user_manager: UserManager)
return result
fun queryStringMap(query: String): Map<String, String> {
val map = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
val rs = stmt.executeQuery(query)
while(rs.next()) {
map.add(rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2))
return map
fun saveMessages(all: TLVector<TLAbsMessage>, api_layer: Int, source_type: MessageSource = MessageSource.NORMAL) {
@ -489,7 +499,7 @@ class Database constructor(val file_base: String, val user_manager: UserManager)
fun fetchSetting(key: String): String? = queryString("SELECT value FROM settings WHERE key='${key}'")
fun fetchSettings() = queryStringMap("SELECT key, value FROM settings WHERE key='${key}'")
fun saveSetting(key: String, value: String?) {
val ps = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO settings (key, value) VALUES (?, ?)")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
package de.fabianonline.telegram_backup
import java.io.File
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
class Settings(val file_base: String, val database: Database, val cli_settings: CommandLineOptions) {
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Settings::class.java)
val settings = mutableMapOf<String, Setting>()
val gmaps_key: Setting
private val db_settings: Map<String, String>
private var ini_settings: Map<String, List<String>>
init {
db_settings = database.fetchSettings()
ini_settings = load_ini("config.ini")
// Merging CLI and INI settings
gmaps_key = get_setting("gmaps_key", default=Config.SECRET_GMAPS)
private fun get_setting(name: String, default: String? = null): Setting {
return Setting.build(name, ini_settings[name], cli_settings.values[name], default)
private fun load_ini(filename: String): Map<String, List<String>> {
val map = mutableMapOf<String, MutableList<String>>()
val file = File(file_base + filename)
logger.trace("Checking ini file {}", filename.anonymize())
if (!file.exists()) return map
logger.debug("Loading ini file {}", filename.anonymize())
file.forEachLine { parseLine(it, map) }
return map
private fun parseLine(original_line: String, map: MutableMap<String, MutableList<String>>) {
logger.trace("Parsing line: {}", original_line)
var line = original_line.trim().replaceAfter("#", "").removeSuffix("#")
logger.trace("After cleaning: {}", line)
if (line == "") return
val parts: List<String> = line.split("=", limit=2).map{it.trim()}
if (parts.size < 2) throw RuntimeException("Invalid config setting: $line")
val (key, value) = parts
if (value=="") {
} else {
var list = map.get(key)
if (list == null) {
list = mutableListOf<String>()
map.put(key, list)
private fun copy_sample_ini(filename: String) {
val stream = Config::class.java.getResourceAsStream("/config.sample.ini")
File(filename).outputStream().use { stream.copyTo(it) }
open class Setting(name: String, value: List<String>?, source: SettingSource) {
companion object {
val all = mutableListOf<Setting>()
fun build(name: String, ini_value: List<String>?, cli_value: List<String>?, default: String?): Setting {
var value: List<String>?
var source: SettingSource
if (cli_value != null) {
} else if (ini_value != null) {
} else {
if (default!=null) {
value = listOf(default)
} else {
value = null
return Setting(name, value, source);
enum class SettingSource {
class DbSettings(val database: Database) {
private fun fetchValue(name: String): String? = database.fetchSetting(name)
private fun saveValue(name: String, value: String?) = database.saveSetting(name, value)
var pts: String?
get() = fetchValue("pts")
set(x: String?) = saveValue("pts", x)
package de.fabianonline.telegram_backup
class Settings(val file_base: String) {
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Settings::class.java)
var settings = mutableMapOf<String, MutableList<String>>()
init {
loadIni(file_base + "config.ini")
copySampleIni(file_base + "config.sample.ini")
fun println() = println(settings)
fun getString(key: String, default: String? = null): String? = settings.get(key)?.last() ?: default
fun getStringList(key: String): List<String>? = settings.get(key)
fun getInt(key: String, default: Int? = null): Int? = try { settings.get(key)?.last()?.toInt() } catch (e: NumberFormatException) { null } ?: default
fun getBoolean(key: String, default: Boolean = false): Boolean {
val value = settings.get(key)?.last()
if (value==null) return default
return value=="true"
fun getArray(key: String): List<String> = settings.get(key) ?: listOf<String>()
val gmaps_key = getString("gmaps_key", default=Config.SECRET_GMAPS)!!
val pagination = getBoolean("pagination", default=true)
val pagination_size = getInt("pagination_size", default=Config.DEFAULT_PAGINATION)!!
val download_media = getBoolean("download_media", default=true)
val download_channels = getBoolean("download_channels", default=false)
val download_supergroups = getBoolean("download_supergroups", default=false)
val whitelist_channels = getStringList("whitelist_channels")
val blacklist_channels = getStringList("blacklist_channels")

View File

@ -41,29 +41,29 @@ import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils
object FileManagerFactory {
fun getFileManager(m: TLMessage?, u: UserManager): AbstractMediaFileManager? {
fun getFileManager(m: TLMessage?, u: UserManager, c: TelegramClient): AbstractMediaFileManager? {
if (m == null) return null
val media = m.getMedia() ?: return null
if (media is TLMessageMediaPhoto) {
return PhotoFileManager(m, u)
return PhotoFileManager(m, u, file_base)
} else if (media is TLMessageMediaDocument) {
val d = DocumentFileManager(m, u)
val d = DocumentFileManager(m, u, file_base)
return if (d.isSticker) {
StickerFileManager(m, u)
StickerFileManager(m, u, file_base)
} else d
} else if (media is TLMessageMediaGeo) {
return GeoFileManager(m, u)
return GeoFileManager(m, u, file_base)
} else if (media is TLMessageMediaEmpty) {
return UnsupportedFileManager(m, u, "empty")
return UnsupportedFileManager(m, u, file_base, "empty")
} else if (media is TLMessageMediaUnsupported) {
return UnsupportedFileManager(m, u, "unsupported")
return UnsupportedFileManager(m, u, file_base, "unsupported")
} else if (media is TLMessageMediaWebPage) {
return UnsupportedFileManager(m, u, "webpage")
return UnsupportedFileManager(m, u, file_base, "webpage")
} else if (media is TLMessageMediaContact) {
return UnsupportedFileManager(m, u, "contact")
return UnsupportedFileManager(m, u, file_base, "contact")
} else if (media is TLMessageMediaVenue) {
return UnsupportedFileManager(m, u, "venue")
return UnsupportedFileManager(m, u, file_base, "venue")
} else {