mirror of https://github.com/fabianonline/telegram_backup.git synced 2025-03-12 15:13:47 +00:00

Big database update. Removed old fields, renamed others to make more sense, added a few new ones.

This commit is contained in:
Fabian Schlenz 2016-07-08 06:53:14 +02:00
parent 2e43ad90a6
commit db52b8da47
6 changed files with 198 additions and 125 deletions

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@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ public class CommandLineController {
} finally {
if (options.cmd_daemon) {
handler.setUser(user, client);
System.out.println("DAEMON mode requested - keeping running.");
} else {

View File

@ -18,31 +18,41 @@ package de.fabianonline.telegram_backup;
import com.github.badoualy.telegram.tl.api.*;
import com.github.badoualy.telegram.tl.core.TLVector;
import com.github.badoualy.telegram.api.TelegramClient;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import de.fabianonline.telegram_backup.mediafilemanager.AbstractMediaFileManager;
import de.fabianonline.telegram_backup.mediafilemanager.FileManagerFactory;
public class Database {
private Connection conn;
private Statement stmt;
private UserManager user_manager;
private TelegramClient client;
public Database(UserManager user_manager) {
this(user_manager, true);
public Database(UserManager user_manager, TelegramClient client) {
this(user_manager, client, true);
public Database(UserManager user_manager, boolean update_db) {
public Database(UserManager user_manager, TelegramClient client, boolean update_db) {
this.user_manager = user_manager;
this.client = client;
System.out.println("Opening database...");
try {
@ -140,6 +150,88 @@ public class Database {
stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO database_versions (version) VALUES (5)");
version = 5;
if (version==5) {
System.out.println(" Updating to version 6...");
"CREATE TABLE messages_new (\n" +
" message_type TEXT,\n" +
" dialog_id INTEGER,\n" +
" chat_id INTEGER,\n" +
" sender_id INTEGER,\n" +
" fwd_from_id INTEGER,\n" +
" text TEXT,\n" +
" time INTEGER,\n" +
" has_media BOOLEAN,\n" +
" media_type TEXT,\n" +
" media_file TEXT,\n" +
" media_size INTEGER,\n" +
" media_json TEXT,\n" +
" markup_json TEXT,\n" +
" data BLOB)");
LinkedHashMap<String, String> mappings = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
mappings.put("id", "id");
mappings.put("message_type", "type");
mappings.put("dialog_id", "CASE from_type WHEN 'user' THEN dialog_id ELSE NULL END");
mappings.put("chat_id", "CASE from_type WHEN 'chat' THEN dialog_id ELSE NULL END");
mappings.put("sender_id", "from_id");
mappings.put("text", "text");
mappings.put("time", "time");
mappings.put("has_media", "has_media");
mappings.put("data", "data");
StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("INSERT INTO messages_new\n(");
boolean first;
first = true;
for(String s : mappings.keySet()) {
if (!first) query.append(", ");
first = false;
query.append(")\nSELECT \n");
first = true;
for (String s : mappings.values()) {
if (!first) query.append(", ");
first = false;
query.append("\nFROM messages");
System.out.println(" Updating the data (this might take some time)...");
rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT id, data FROM messages_new");
PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE messages_new SET fwd_from_id=?, media_type=?, media_file=?, media_size=? WHERE id=?");
while (rs.next()) {
ps.setInt(5, rs.getInt(1));
TLMessage msg = bytesToTLMessage(rs.getBytes(2));
if (msg==null || msg.getFwdFromId()==null || ! (msg.getFwdFromId() instanceof TLPeerUser)) {
ps.setNull(1, Types.INTEGER);
} else {
ps.setInt(1, ((TLPeerUser)msg.getFwdFromId()).getUserId());
AbstractMediaFileManager f = FileManagerFactory.getFileManager(msg, user_manager, client);
if (f==null) {
ps.setNull(2, Types.VARCHAR);
ps.setNull(3, Types.VARCHAR);
ps.setNull(4, Types.INTEGER);
} else {
ps.setString(2, f.getName());
ps.setString(3, f.getTargetFilename());
ps.setInt(4, f.getSize());
stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE messages");
stmt.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE messages_new RENAME TO messages");
stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO database_versions (version) VALUES (6)");
version = 6;
} catch (SQLException e) {
@ -208,38 +300,42 @@ public class Database {
public synchronized void saveMessages(TLVector<TLAbsMessage> all) {
try {
PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(
"(id, dialog_id, from_id, from_type, text, time, has_media, data, sticker, type) " +
//"(id, dialog_id, from_id, from_type, text, time, has_media, data, sticker, type) " +
//"VALUES " +
//"(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
String columns =
"(id, message_type, dialog_id, chat_id, sender_id, fwd_from_id, text, time, has_media, media_type, media_file, media_size, data) "+
"(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
PreparedStatement ps_insert_or_ignore = conn.prepareStatement(
"(id, dialog_id, from_id, from_type, text, time, has_media, data, sticker, type) " +
"(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
"(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
//1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO messages " + columns);
PreparedStatement ps_insert_or_ignore = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO messages " + columns);
for (TLAbsMessage abs : all) {
if (abs instanceof TLMessage) {
TLMessage msg = (TLMessage) abs;
ps.setInt(1, msg.getId());
ps.setString(2, "message");
TLAbsPeer peer = msg.getToId();
if (peer instanceof TLPeerChat) {
ps.setInt(2, ((TLPeerChat)peer).getChatId());
ps.setString(4, "chat");
} else if (peer instanceof TLPeerChannel) {
ps.setInt(2, ((TLPeerChannel)peer).getChannelId());
ps.setString(4, "channel");
ps.setNull(3, Types.INTEGER);
ps.setInt(4, ((TLPeerChat)peer).getChatId());
} else if (peer instanceof TLPeerUser) {
int id = ((TLPeerUser)peer).getUserId();
if (id==this.user_manager.getUser().getId()) {
id = msg.getFromId();
ps.setInt(2, id);
ps.setString(4, "user");
ps.setInt(3, id);
ps.setNull(4, Types.INTEGER);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected Peer type: " + peer.getClass().getName());
ps.setInt(3, msg.getFromId());
ps.setInt(5, msg.getFromId());
if (msg.getFwdFromId()!=null && msg.getFwdFromId() instanceof TLPeerUser) {
ps.setInt(6, ((TLPeerUser)msg.getFwdFromId()).getUserId());
} else {
ps.setNull(6, Types.INTEGER);
String text = msg.getMessage();
if ((text==null || text.equals("")) && msg.getMedia()!=null) {
if (msg.getMedia() instanceof TLMessageMediaDocument) {
@ -248,55 +344,53 @@ public class Database {
text = ((TLMessageMediaPhoto)msg.getMedia()).getCaption();
ps.setString(5, text);
ps.setString(6, ""+msg.getDate());
ps.setBoolean(7, msg.getMedia() != null);
ps.setString(7, text);
ps.setString(8, ""+msg.getDate());
AbstractMediaFileManager f = FileManagerFactory.getFileManager(msg, user_manager, client);
if (f==null) {
ps.setNull(9, Types.BOOLEAN);
ps.setNull(10, Types.VARCHAR);
ps.setNull(11, Types.VARCHAR);
ps.setNull(12, Types.INTEGER);
} else {
ps.setBoolean(9, true);
ps.setString(10, f.getName());
ps.setString(11, f.getTargetFilename());
ps.setInt(12, f.getSize());
ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ps.setBytes(8, stream.toByteArray());
String sticker = null;
if (msg.getMedia()!=null && msg.getMedia() instanceof TLMessageMediaDocument) {
TLMessageMediaDocument md = (TLMessageMediaDocument)msg.getMedia();
if (md.getDocument() instanceof TLDocument) {
for (TLAbsDocumentAttribute attr : ((TLDocument)md.getDocument()).getAttributes()) {
if (attr instanceof TLDocumentAttributeSticker) {
sticker = StickerConverter.makeFilename((TLDocumentAttributeSticker)attr);
if (sticker != null) {
ps.setString(9, sticker);
} else {
ps.setNull(9, Types.VARCHAR);
ps.setString(10, "message");
ps.setBytes(13, stream.toByteArray());
} else if (abs instanceof TLMessageService) {
ps_insert_or_ignore.setInt(1, abs.getId());
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(2, Types.INTEGER);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setString(2, "service_message");
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(3, Types.INTEGER);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(4, Types.VARCHAR);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(5, Types.VARCHAR);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(4, Types.INTEGER);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(5, Types.INTEGER);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(6, Types.INTEGER);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(7, Types.BOOLEAN);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(8, Types.BLOB);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(9, Types.VARCHAR);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setString(10, "service_message");
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(7, Types.VARCHAR);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(8, Types.INTEGER);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(9, Types.BOOLEAN);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(10, Types.VARCHAR);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(11, Types.VARCHAR);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(12, Types.INTEGER);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(13, Types.BLOB);
} else if (abs instanceof TLMessageEmpty) {
TLMessageEmpty msg = (TLMessageEmpty) abs;
ps_insert_or_ignore.setInt(1, msg.getId());
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(2, Types.INTEGER);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setInt(1, abs.getId());
ps_insert_or_ignore.setString(2, "empty_message");
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(3, Types.INTEGER);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(4, Types.VARCHAR);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(5, Types.VARCHAR);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(4, Types.INTEGER);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(5, Types.INTEGER);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(6, Types.INTEGER);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(7, Types.BOOLEAN);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(8, Types.BLOB);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(9, Types.VARCHAR);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setString(10, "empty_message");
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(7, Types.VARCHAR);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(8, Types.INTEGER);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(9, Types.BOOLEAN);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(10, Types.VARCHAR);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(11, Types.VARCHAR);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(12, Types.INTEGER);
ps_insert_or_ignore.setNull(13, Types.BLOB);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected Message type: " + abs.getClass().getName());
@ -420,10 +514,7 @@ public class Database {
LinkedList<TLMessage> list = new LinkedList<TLMessage>();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT data FROM messages WHERE has_media=1");
while (rs.next()) {
ByteArrayInputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(rs.getBytes(1));
TLMessage msg = new TLMessage();
msg.deserializeBody(stream, TLApiContext.getInstance());
return list;
@ -437,7 +528,7 @@ public class Database {
LinkedList<Chat> list = new LinkedList<Chat>();
try {
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT chats.id, chats.name, COUNT(messages.id) as c "+
"FROM chats, messages WHERE messages.from_type='chat' AND messages.dialog_id=chats.id "+
"FROM chats, messages WHERE messages.chat_id IS NOT NULL AND messages.chat_id=chats.id "+
"GROUP BY chats.id ORDER BY c DESC");
while (rs.next()) {
list.add(new Chat(rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2), rs.getInt(3)));
@ -455,7 +546,7 @@ public class Database {
try {
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(
"SELECT users.id, first_name, last_name, username, COUNT(messages.id) as c " +
"FROM users, messages WHERE messages.from_type='user' AND messages.dialog_id=users.id " +
"FROM users, messages WHERE messages.dialog_id IS NOT NULL AND messages.dialog_id=users.id " +
"GROUP BY users.id ORDER BY c DESC");
while (rs.next()) {
list.add(new Dialog(rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2), rs.getString(3), rs.getString(4), rs.getInt(5)));
@ -468,39 +559,58 @@ public class Database {
public void getMessagesForExport(Dialog d, ChatMessageProcessor p) {
getMessagesForExport("user", d.id, p);
public LinkedList<HashMap<String, Object>> getMessagesForExport(Dialog d) {
return getMessagesForExport("dialog_id", d.id);
public void getMessagesForExport(Chat c, ChatMessageProcessor p) {
getMessagesForExport("chat", c.id, p);
public LinkedList<HashMap<String, Object>> getMessagesForExport(Chat c) {
return getMessagesForExport("chat_id", c.id);
private void getMessagesForExport(String type, Integer id, ChatMessageProcessor p) {
private LinkedList<HashMap<String, Object>> getMessagesForExport(String type, Integer id) {
try {
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT messages.id, text, time*1000, has_media, " +
"sticker, first_name, last_name, username FROM messages, users WHERE " +
"users.id=messages.from_id AND dialog_id=" + id + " AND from_type='" + type + "' " +
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT messages.id as mid, text, time*1000 as t, has_media, " +
"media_type, media_file, media_size, users.first_name, users.last_name, users.username, " +
"users_fwd.first_name, users_fwd.last_name, users_fwd.username " +
"FROM messages, users LEFT JOIN users AS users_fwd ON users_fwd.id=fwd_from_id WHERE " +
"users.id=messages.sender_id AND " + type + "=" + id + " " +
"ORDER BY messages.id");
ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData();
int columns = meta.getColumnCount();
LinkedList<HashMap<String, Object>> list = new LinkedList<HashMap<String, Object>>();
while (rs.next()) {
Message m = new Message(
HashMap<String, Object> h = new HashMap<String, Object>(columns);
for (int i=1; i<=columns; i++) {
h.put(meta.getColumnName(i), rs.getObject(i));
return list;
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Exception above!");
public static TLMessage bytesToTLMessage(byte[] b) {
try {
if (b==null) return null;
ByteArrayInputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(b);
TLMessage msg = new TLMessage();
msg.deserializeBody(stream, TLApiContext.getInstance());
return msg;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not deserialize message.");
public class Dialog {
public int id;
@ -529,30 +639,4 @@ public class Database {
this.count = count;
public class Message {
public int id;
public String text;
public Time time;
public boolean has_media;
public String sticker;
public String first_name;
public String last_name;
public String username;
public Message(int i, String t, Time t2, boolean m, String st, String n1, String n2, String n3) {
this.id = i;
this.text = t;
this.time = t2;
this.has_media = m;
this.sticker = st;
this.first_name = n1;
this.last_name = n2;
this.username = n3;
public interface ChatMessageProcessor {
public void process(Message msg);

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public class DownloadManager {
this.user = u;
this.client = c;
this.prog = p;
this.db = new Database(u);
this.db = new Database(u, c);
public void downloadMessages(Integer limit) throws RpcErrorException, IOException {

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class TelegramUpdateHandler implements UpdateCallback {
private Database db = null;
public boolean debug = false;
public void setUser(UserManager user) { this.user = user; this.db = new Database(user, false);}
public void setUser(UserManager user, TelegramClient client) { this.user = user; this.db = new Database(user, client, false);}
public void onUpdates(TelegramClient c, TLUpdates u) {
if (db==null) return;

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import com.github.mustachejava.MustacheFactory;
public class HTMLExporter {
public void export(UserManager user) {
try {
Database db = new Database(user);
Database db = new Database(user, null);
// Create base dir
String base = user.getFileBase() + "export" + File.separatorChar + "html" + File.separatorChar;
@ -76,17 +76,5 @@ public class HTMLExporter {
throw new RuntimeException("Exception above!");
class ChatLineWriter implements Database.ChatMessageProcessor {
PrintWriter w;
public ChatLineWriter(PrintWriter w) {
this.w = w;
public void process(Database.Message msg) {
w.println("" + String.format("%1$tF %1$tT", msg.time) + " - " + msg.text + "<br>");
// w.println("" + String.format("%1$tF %1$tT", msg.time) + " - " + msg.text + "<br>");

View File

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
public class FileManagerFactory {
public static AbstractMediaFileManager getFileManager(TLMessage m, UserManager u, TelegramClient c) {
if (m==null) return null;
TLAbsMessageMedia media = m.getMedia();
if (media==null) return null;