Device | Port | Connected to |
VS1053 | CS | 16 |
VS1053 | MISO | 19 |
VS1053 | MOSI | 23 |
VS1053 | SCK | 18 |
VS1053 | XCS | 4 |
VS1053 | XRESET | 0 |
VS1053 | XDCS | 2 |
VS1053 | DREQ | 15 |
RC522 | SDA | 17 |
RC522 | SCK | 18 |
RC522 | MOSI | 23 |
RC522 | MISO | 19 |
AMP_L | SD | 27 |
AMP_R | SD | 26 |
BTN_PREV | 22 | |
BTN_NEXT | 33 | |
BTN_VOL_UP | 21 | |
Buttons pull to GND if pushed -> Internal Pull-Up needed!
RFID stuff
The mapping of rfid tags to files uses the ID of the
tag. Create a file ids.txt
in a folder containing
one or more IDs will lead to the folder beginning to play
when a tag with that id is on the reader.
The ID should be a 8 character long, downcase string
containing the ID in hexadecimal. E.g. 23b1aa7d
Special modes
You can also save data on the tags to further manipulate the system. Position of the data is irrelevant, the whole tag will be searched.
Using [random]
will play the files in a random order.
will randomize everything except the first 2
files. This can be useful for having the favorite song of
your kids playing, but after that getting a bit of randomness.
Using [lock]
will turn this key into a key for the locking
mode. Scanning the tag enables locking mode. The next album
started will keep running until the end. Removing the tag
will be deactivated, as are the buttons for prev and next
track. You can disable locking mode by again scanning the
lock tag again.