We now accept and report state changes via JSON. Also added homeassistant MQTT autodiscovery.

This commit is contained in:
Fabian Schlenz 2021-01-16 11:15:58 +00:00
parent a55e5e1ec2
commit 47cd48d572
6 changed files with 193 additions and 69 deletions

View File

@ -7,4 +7,5 @@
static PubSubClient mqtt(wifi);
void mqtt_setup();
void mqtt_loop();
void mqtt_loop();
void mqtt_publish_current_state(String state);

include/state.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#pragma once
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include "prototypes.h"
class State {
AnimationMode _mode = AM_NONE;
uint16_t _duration = 0;
int16_t _brightness = -1;
uint8_t _speedup = 0;
CRGB _color = CRGB::Black;
void parse_json(char* str);
void set(String key, String value);
void commit();
static void publish_current_state();
void parse_state(String state);
void parse_mode(String mode);
void set_mode(AnimationMode mode);
void set_duration(uint16_t duration);
void set_brightness(uint8_t brightness);
void set_color(JsonObject rgb);
void set_speedup(uint8_t speedup);

View File

@ -20,4 +20,5 @@ monitor_port = /dev/cu.wchusbserial*
monitor_speed = 74880
monitor_filters = default, time, send_on_enter, esp8266_exception_decoder
lib_deps = fastled/FastLED @ 3.4.0
PubSubClient @ 2.8
PubSubClient @ 2.8

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "corner.h"
#include "prototypes.h"
#include "mqtt.h"
#include "state.h"
std::vector<Node*> nodes;
std::list<Edge*> edges;
@ -205,6 +206,7 @@ void loop() {
return_to_brightness = -1;

View File

@ -1,16 +1,25 @@
#include "mqtt.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "prototypes.h"
#include "state.h"
void connect() {
LOGln("Connecting to MQTT broker...");
if (mqtt.connect(MQTT_CLIENT_ID, MQTT_USER, MQTT_PASS, MQTT_TOPIC "state", 0, true, "OFFLINE")) {
mqtt.publish(MQTT_TOPIC_STATE, "ONLINE", true);
mqtt.publish(MQTT_TOPIC "available", "online", true);
char buffer[40];
snprintf(buffer, 40, "ONLINE %s", wifi.localIP().toString().c_str());
mqtt.publish(MQTT_TOPIC_STATE_LONG, buffer, true);
snprintf(buffer, 40, "online %s", wifi.localIP().toString().c_str());
mqtt.publish(MQTT_TOPIC "available_long", buffer, true);
String discovery_msg = "{\""
"\"~\":\"" MQTT_TOPIC ",\"avty_t\":\"~available\",\"cmd_t\":\"~cmnd\",\"stat_t\":\"~state\","
mqtt.publish("homeassistant/light/" HOMEASSISTANT_OBJECT_ID "/config", discovery_msg.c_str(), true);
} else {
LOGln("Connection failed. Reason: %d", mqtt.state());
@ -19,70 +28,34 @@ LOGln("Connecting to MQTT broker...");
void callback(char* topic, byte* pl, unsigned int length) {
pl[length] = 0;
String payload((char*)pl);
// Syntax: key=value&key2=value2...
uint16_t duration = 0;
AnimationMode new_mode = AM_NONE;
String current_part;
LOGln("Received command %s", payload.c_str());
while (payload.length() > 0) {
int offset = payload.indexOf("&");
if (offset != -1) {
current_part = payload.substring(0, offset);
payload = payload.substring(offset + 1);
} else {
current_part = payload;
payload = "";
offset = current_part.indexOf("=");
if (offset==-1) {
LOGln("Parameter without '=' detected: %s", current_part.c_str());
String key = current_part.substring(0, offset);
String value = current_part.substring(offset+1);
LOGln(" Processing key %s with value %s", key.c_str(), value.c_str());
if (key.equals("mode")) {
if (value.equals("nodes")) { new_mode = AM_NODES; }
else if (value.equals("first_node")) { new_mode = AM_FIRST_NODE; }
else if (value.equals("corners")) { new_mode = AM_CORNERS; }
else if (value.equals("first_corner")) { new_mode = AM_FIRST_CORNER; }
else if (value.equals("off")) { new_mode = AM_OFF; }
else if (value.equals("flash")) { new_mode = AM_FLASH; }
else if (value.equals("static")) { new_mode = AM_STATIC; }
else { LOGln("Unknown mode '%s'.", value.c_str()); }
} else if (key.equals("duration")) {
duration = value.toInt();
} else if (key.equals("brightness")) {
if (temp_mode_until == 0) {
return_to_brightness = FastLED.getBrightness();
State s;
if (pl[0]=='{') {
} else {
String payload((char*)pl);
// Syntax: key=value&key2=value2...
String current_part;
LOGln("Received command %s", payload.c_str());
while (payload.length() > 0) {
int offset = payload.indexOf("&");
if (offset != -1) {
current_part = payload.substring(0, offset);
payload = payload.substring(offset + 1);
} else {
current_part = payload;
payload = "";
} else if (key.equals("color")) {
if (value.equals("red")) { color = CRGB::Red; }
else if (value.equals("green")) { color = CRGB::Green; }
else if (value.equals("blue")) { color = CRGB::Blue; }
else if (value.equals("pink")) { color = CRGB::Pink; }
else if (value.equals("yellow")) { color = CRGB::Yellow; }
else if (value.equals("orange")) { color = CRGB::Orange; }
else { LOGln("Unknown color name %s.", value.c_str());}
} else if (key.equals("speedup")) {
speedup = value.toInt();
} else {
LOGln("Unknown key '%s'. (For reference: Value is '%s'.)", key.c_str(), value.c_str());
LOGln("Finished processing the command.");
if (new_mode != AM_NONE) {
if (duration > 0) {
temp_mode = new_mode;
temp_mode_until = millis() + duration*1000;
} else {
mode = new_mode;
offset = current_part.indexOf("=");
if (offset==-1) {
LOGln("Parameter without '=' detected: %s", current_part.c_str());
String key = current_part.substring(0, offset);
String value = current_part.substring(offset+1);
s.set(key, value);
void mqtt_setup() {
@ -97,4 +70,8 @@ void mqtt_loop() {
void mqtt_publish_current_state(String state) {
mqtt.publish(MQTT_TOPIC "state", state.c_str(), true);

src/state.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
#include "state.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "mqtt.h"
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
void State::parse_json(char* str) {
StaticJsonDocument<512> json;
deserializeJson(json, str);
if(json.containsKey("state")) parse_state(json["state"]);
if(json.containsKey("effect")) parse_mode(json["effect"]);
if(json.containsKey("duration")) set_duration(json["duration"]);
if(json.containsKey("brightness")) set_brightness(json["brightness"]);
if(json.containsKey("rgb")) set_color(json["rgb"]);
if(json.containsKey("speedup")) set_speedup(json["speedup"]);
void State::parse_state(String state) {
if (state.equals("ON")) {
} else if (state.equals("OFF")) {
} else {
LOGln("parse_state: Unknown state %s", state.c_str());
void State::parse_mode(String mode) {
if (mode.equals("nodes")) { set_mode(AM_NODES); }
else if (mode.equals("first_node")) { set_mode(AM_FIRST_NODE); }
else if (mode.equals("corners")) { set_mode(AM_CORNERS); }
else if (mode.equals("first_corner")) { set_mode(AM_FIRST_CORNER); }
else if (mode.equals("off")) { set_mode(AM_OFF); }
else if (mode.equals("flash")) { set_mode(AM_FLASH); }
else if (mode.equals("static")) { set_mode(AM_STATIC); }
else { LOGln("parse_mode: Unknown mode '%s'.", mode.c_str()); }
void State::set_mode(AnimationMode m) {
_mode = m;
void State::set_duration(uint16_t d) {
_duration = d;
void State::set_brightness(uint8_t b) {
_brightness = b;
void State::set_color(JsonObject rgb) {
if (!rgb.containsKey("r") || !rgb.containsKey("g") || !rgb.containsKey("b")) {
LOGln("set_color: Invalid rgb data.");
} else {
_color = CRGB(rgb["r"], rgb["g"], rgb["b"]);
void State::set_speedup(uint8_t s) {
_speedup = s;
void State::set(String key, String value) {
if (key.equals("state")) { parse_state(value); }
else if (key.equals("effect") || key.equals("mode")) { parse_mode(value); }
else if (key.equals("duration")) { set_duration(value.toInt()); }
else if (key.equals("brightness")) { set_brightness(value.toInt()); }
else if (key.equals("color")) {
if (value.equals("red")) { _color = CRGB::Red; }
else if (value.equals("green")) { _color = CRGB::Green; }
else if (value.equals("blue")) { _color = CRGB::Blue; }
else if (value.equals("pink")) { _color = CRGB::Pink; }
else if (value.equals("yellow")) { _color = CRGB::Yellow; }
else if (value.equals("orange")) { _color = CRGB::Orange; }
else { LOGln("Unknown color name %s.", value.c_str());}
} else if (key.equals("speedup")) { set_speedup(value.toInt()); }
else {
LOGln("Unknown key '%s'. (For reference: Value is '%s'.)", key.c_str(), value.c_str());
void State::commit() {
if (_brightness >= 0) {
if (temp_mode_until == 0) {
return_to_brightness = FastLED.getBrightness();
if (_mode != AM_NONE) {
if (_duration > 0) {
temp_mode = _mode;
temp_mode_until = millis() + _duration*1000;
} else {
mode = _mode;
if (_color != CRGB(0, 0, 0)) {
color = _color;
void State::publish_current_state() {
StaticJsonDocument<512> json;
json["state"] = (mode==AM_OFF) ? "OFF" : "ON";
json["brightness"] = FastLED.getBrightness();
json["effect"] = mode;
JsonObject rgb = json.createNestedObject("rgb");
rgb["r"] = color.r;
rgb["g"] = color.g;
rgb["b"] = color.b;
String result = "";
serializeJson(json, result);